Christians Suffering from Climate Change in Burkino Faso

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Burkino Faso is a land-locked country in West Africa with a population of 21 million bordering six other nations (see map). As over 80% of the population is employed in agriculture their livelihoods are highly vulnerable to changes in the natural environment.
One of the big consequences of the climate crisis is that people become displaced within their own country.

The Tearfund country director for Burkina Faso and Niger, Gaston Slanwa, talks about their plight. He says that they see the impact of droughts that have taken place over the years in the land.  They also often experience poor rain distribution and in recent years they have been experiencing floods – all of which are effects of climate change.  In the past two to three years, insecurity has become a very major issue in Burkina Faso. In recent times they had 1.3 million internally displaced people in the country who had to flee away from their homes.  They can’t farm and they need assistance because of the insecurity issues.  He knows that Burkina Faso contributes only a small amount to climate change (they actually only contribute just 0.08 per cent of global emissions according to the London School Economics 2021), but they are on the receiving end of the greatest consequences.

Please pray for Burkina Faso that God would help them and that their communities will become resilient in changing times