Christians suffering from Climate Change in Peru

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In Peru there is a city called Cusco which is high up in the mountains and which was once the Inca capital containing some amazing buildings. The highlands around Cusco (see photo) have been badly affected by climate change.  The indigenous people speak the Quecha language and some of the families are Christian.  Quecha farmers will tell you that the climate has changed for the worst for them.  Rains are now unreliable; farmers don’t always know when the rains will start and when they will stop. Even within the growing seasons they can get unusual droughts which makes it difficult for the crops to grow.  The temperatures are heating up and so crops have to be grown at increasing altitude.

In addition the Quecha peoples have taken down trees for construction and cooking denuding some of the mountains of trees.  Trees are vital to counter climate change, removing carbon dioxide and protecting the Andean crop areas and livestock from frost, hail and strong winds.
Give thanks for a Columbian Christian mission worker called Juliana, who spent some years working in the Cusco area and who is passionate about environmental issues, teaching and helping the local peoples.  Juliana organised an event, which was like a festival, where volunteers and local people planted 32,000 native queuna trees on the mountains around the Cusco area.
Please Pray

  • for the Peruvian Cusco region that God would help them.

  • that their communities will become resilient in these changing times.

  • that the local area would become appropriately covered in trees to help their crop production and protect their livestock.