
DENS is an independent charity, supporting homeless people in and around the Dacorum area of Hertfordshire - Hemel Hempstead, Berkhamsted, Tring, Kings Langley and the surrounding villages.

DENS started in 1998 as a temporary winter night shelter rotating around a number of the local church halls, during the worst winter months.
Today DENS operates 6 main integrated services:

The Elms, a 44-bedded hostel providing temporary/short-term accommodation

Day Centre, giving basic practical support, advice an referral

Move-On, helping homeless people transition to more independent living

Social Enterprises, developing employability skills/confidence and generating income

Open Space, giving community support in a friendly relaxed atmosphere

Foodbank, providing emergency food parcels to people in need - for more details click here

Members of NBC get involved in many different ways at DENS: helping out at the night shelter providing a listening ear, collecting surplus food from supermarkets, providing support for clients moving into their own accommodation, sorting donated goods and helping at fundraising events. Martin Warner, an NBC member, is Chair of the Trustees.

Interested to find out more? Go to DENS own web-site.

If you would like to contribute Food or other necessary items to be used within DENS' services there is a box right at the front of church that you can place items in and we will deliver them to DENS.

Click here to discover the items most urgently needed at the moment.