


Our Vision is that we, the members of NBC, will journey in the following ways:

We will grow in love and faith as individuals as we pursue and grow in the spiritual disciplines, and as we obey Jesus’ commands about when we pray, when we give, and when we fast, following His teaching and example about breaking bread, about silence, about confession, and about worship and simplicity.

We will grow in faith and love as a spiritual community on Sundays and in gatherings on other days:

  •  We will all gather to praise, gather to listen, gather to pray and gather to study.
  • We will all grow in the spiritual rhythm of the community.
  •  We will all develop our spiritual gifts which will aid our becoming a spiritual community and effective prophetic alternative to the models of the world. This is a way of connecting with the Father who then sends us outward.

We will be a community whose worship is upwards, downwards and outwards in nature.

  • Upwards in our devotion to God, for God and about God.
  • Downwards as we study His instructions given in the bible, as we listen for His instruction given through the Holy Spirit in words of knowledge and prophetic ministry, and as we live and grow in community together and hearing what He has to say through one another.
  • Outwards as we seek to love God by loving others, by acting justlyloving mercy, and walking humbly with God as we partner with Jesus to see His salvation come in our society.

We will encourage discipleship within our own spiritual community by praying with and for people, through small group care, fellowship and by peer encouraged accountability and growth.

We will equip train and encourage:

  • Children to find faith in God for themselves and to be filled with the Holy Spirit as part of the church today.
  • Students and young people as they find their way on their own spiritual journey by providing them with suitable resources and opportunities to build God centred relationships.
  • Parents and grandparents as they love and care for their families.
  • Those in marriage to love one another in upholding and honouring their vows, and those who are not married as they find God’s path in the opportunities their situation provides, and celebrating the diversity of our church community.

We will encourage one another to be imitators of Christ and will each take on that calling in our own mission fields wherever we are, embracing the sacrifices this requires of us every day.

We will help each other to find God’s mission calling on our individual lives by seeking spiritual input from within the fellowship and also from expertise brought in from outside the fellowship, and will pray for and resource people in their calling to serve God outside of the church. Through doing this we will speak with a clear voice, bringing hope and Godly influence, to those around us in our culture in education, health, politics, sport, business, the arts, and the media.


We recognise that the heart of church life is not about putting together clever, entertaining programmes, but helping people to meet with Jesus.  Therefore, we must ensure that all that we do and say is formed and shaped by our church core values. 
These are:


In all that we are and do, we recognise that our God is a missional God, He has reached out to mankind throughout history, even to sending His Son Jesus.  It is our task to partner with Him to fulfil His purposes.  Therefore, in every area of life, individually and together, we will reach out to others with the love of God, to be Gods hands and feet and the voice of Jesus on the earth.
(John 3:16; Romans 8:18-20)


In all that we are and do, we will seek to live under Gods authority, in keeping with the truths of scripture, as they have been interpreted and taught by the church through the centuries.
(2 Timothy 3:16; Psalm 119)


In all that we are and do, we will seek to honour and love one another, and we will respect that all people have been created in the image of God.  We will seek to Love God and one another, be faithful to God and each other, and committed to God and each other.  We will seek to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbour as ourselves.
(Matthew 22:36-40; 1 John 4:7-12)


In all that we are and do, we will seek to be generous with our time, attitudes, faith and resources.  Seeking to believe the best of each other and to see others flourish and succeed.  we will seek to be those who have enough to live and enough to give, and we will be those blessedto be a blessing to others.
(2 Corinthians 9:5-7)

Spirit filled and spirit-led:

In all that we are and do, we will allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.  We will seek to honour Him in our worship, our mission, our preaching and teaching, and in our relationships together, knowing that He in turn points us to the Lord Jesus Christ.  We want to see the fruit and the gifts of His presence in our lives and an ever increasing Christ-likeness in our conduct and character.
(Acts 1:8; Acts 2; Ephesians 5:18-20)


In all that we are and do, we will not be afraid to step out in faith, take risks and release people into what God has for them.  We will seek to be a community that has big dreams, courageous hearts and is always looking to see where God is doing the old things in His new ways.
(Joshua 1:9)


In all that we are and do, we will be committed to developing lives shaped by the rhythms and habits of spiritual disciplines, especially prayer. We will be regular and consistant in prayer, and we will encourage each other to realise that prayer, talking with, listening to and being around God is the centre of our life, and the life of our community.
(romans 8:26-27; Philippians 4:6-7)


In all that we are and do, we will welcome and embrace others, whoever they are and wherever they are from.  We will endeavour to enable each one to feel fully at home at NBC and enable them to become and important part of church community life.  Every single person is important in our community.
(Romans 12:13)